Saturday, November 5, 2011

Today I co-hosted a baby "sprinkle" (it is the couple's second child, so we threw a "sprinkle" instead of a full-blown "shower" - it's all the rage right now...). It was a "girly" lunch of salads, fruit, crackers and dip and, of course, cupcakes with, you guessed it, SPRINKLES! Actually, I incorporated sprinkles in MANY ways - I love a theme!

I made two yummy salads: one with mixed greens, spinach, feta cheese, chicken, strawberries and glazed pecans served with a mixed berry vinaigrette -  oh my! The other salad was a twist on the traditional carry-in dinner taco salad, with iceberg lettuce, black beans, crushed taco-flavored tortilla chips, Mexican-blend shredded cheese and salsa - ole! I believe my friend's fruit dip (pictured above) was a combination of sugar, pineapple juice, whipping cream and egg whites (for fluffiness).

I made the confetti cupcakes from a mix (to save time) and tinted canned frosting pink, and yes, I made the cute cupcake toppers too!

And, in keeping with the whole cupcake/sprinkle theme, I made these felt "softies" for the new baby. My daughter, who's 2 1/2, now wants me to make her some too!

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