Sunday, October 30, 2011

Oh dear, I just can't seem to stop making stuff for Halloween. I blame the internet; too many great ideas...and of course, when I see all the clever ideas, I say to myself, "I can make that" problem is I don't know when enough is enough! In my defense, I had ALL the ingredients for these owl S'mores already on hand! These owls looked SO easy in the tutorial, but not so much when I actually attempted the project. The marshmallows "moved", the wings kept falling off while transporting to the wire rack, and the "pupils" kept popping out of the eyes! But, tomorrow they will be gobbled down by hungry kids who don't care about aesthetics!

 I found this project at, and all you need are graham crackers, peanut butter cups, candy corn, M&Ms and large marshmallows...and a little patience!

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