Sunday, October 2, 2011

This is what happens when I stay in the house all day...this morning I awoke to a frost-covered landscape, so I had no desire to go outside. What to do? Cook, of course! My step-father gave me a bunch of green peppers, so I utilized them by stuffing them with Spanish rice (from a mix) and topping them with tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese. I'll probably freeze most of them for later. Then, for lunch for Regan and I, I "doctored" a plain cheese frozen pizza by adding sliced tomatoes (the last one from my garden this season), pesto, kalamata olives and a three-cheese blend of shredded cheese - oh my! Of course, now I feel a nap coming on (Regan and the dog are already dozing), so I think I'll take a little break before I bake cookies! I'm leaning toward pumpkin chocolate chip...I'll let you know!

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