Wednesday, August 8, 2012

What I'm Reading Right Now:

It's sometimes amazing the cool things you can find on an quick trip to the library; besides pre-schooler picture books and Pixar DVDs!  I stopped by the "New Books" section and found some awesome selections - note how many sticky notes I've put in the Cleaner Plate Club book! This book is full of nutritional info, info on organic farming, CSAs and Co-ops, as well as MANY great recipes.

I haven't read this book yet, I was already sold on the cover art and title! It's filled with wonderful photos and simple, tasty recipes.

This book is similar to one I already own, but is a great resource for all kinds of suburban "farming". It has tons of testimonials from others who are growing gardens and raising livestock in the 'burbs. If only my HOA would allow animal pens...Regan would LOVE a chicken, rabbit or goat!

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