Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Historic Soup for a Blustery Day

When it's as cold as the North Pole, soup is always on the menu at my house! I must confess I did NOT make this soup; my stepfather did. I just pulled it out of my chest freezer and heated it up. Not that I couldn't make it, mind you, and I probably will, because it is sooooo awesome! It also has a fun background: according to my mom, it is called "Senate Bean Soup" , as it was served in a popular Washington D.C. restaurant many years ago, and was their specialty.  My stepfather got the recipe from his grandmother, so it's kind of dated and quirky (in a good way). 

Senate Bean Soup 

one bag white navy beans, rinsed
one smoked turkey leg 
one small/medium onion, chopped
one carrot, chopped
one potato, chopped

Cook all together in a big pot (with lots of water in it) until the meat falls off the turkey leg. Remove leg and pick off meat (it should take approximately 4 hours).  Mash bean mixture with a potato masher until desired consistency.  Put meat back into bean mixture.  Add a bit of Worcestershire sauce (a splash or two).  Add some salt and pepper, mix and heat.  

My stepfather's version had lots of pepper in it; making it "zesty".  My mom suggested serving the soup with cornbread - yum!

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