Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Got Strawberries?

Well, strawberry season is into it's third week, so of course we had to take advantage of the opportunity to go and pick some more berries...16 1/2 pounds on our first outing, and only 8 on our second! And, can you believe I'm all out of fresh berries? I may need to stop at a farm stand today!

One of the things I always make with strawberries in the summer is freezer jam. Thanks to Pinterest, I found a super new version! One disclaimer though; usually, recipes for freezer jam instruct you to let the jarred jam set at room temperature for 24 hours before freezing or eating - to let the jam "set".  This recipe did not say anything about letting the jars set. I put 2 jars in the freezer immediately after making the jam, and put a third jar in the fridge. The one in the fridge did not "set" (thicken). It still tastes AMAZING, but is more like a thick sauce.

Strawberry Peach Freezer Jam (adapted from www.cheekykitchen.com)

3 cups fresh strawberries, washed and quartered
5 cups peaches, peeled and chopped (I used canned, because it's not peach season yet!)
juice of 2 lemons, which equals 4-6 tablespoons
5 cups sugar
2 packages (1 3/4 ounce) Sure Jell

Place the fruit, in small batches, into a blender.  Blend into a thick, chunky puree.  Pour into a large bowl.  Stir in lemon juice, sugar and Sure Jell and mix well.  Transfer into jars or plastic freezer containers.  Store in the freezer until ready to use.
I will say it again, while it did not "set" like I wanted, this jam tastes AMAZING!

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