Thursday, May 30, 2013

Hello, Fruit Pizza!

This past weekend, we went to a cook-out where everyone brought a dish to share. One of my favorites was a kind of "strawberry pizza" with sliced strawberries and a strawberry glaze, on a sugar cookie crust (I had three pieces)! So, of course, as I am ALWAYS trying new recipes, I made my own version of "fruit pizza"! And, hello, how have I NOT made this before? Double yum! And soooooo pretty to look at, too!

Fruit Pizza (recipe derived from multiple Pinterest sources)

refrigerated sugar cookie dough
8 ounces Neufchatel cheese (cream cheese's skinny cousin), softened
1/4 cup sugar
lemon juice ( I think I used a tablespoon or so...)
fruit of your choosing (I used strawberries, blueberries, kiwi and Mandarin oranges)

Preheat oven to 325 degrees.  Spread cookie dough out onto an ungreased baking sheet or pizza pan. Bake for 15 minutes, or until golden brown.  In a bowl, combine softened "cheese", sugar and lemon juice, whip with a mixer or use your own strength and a rubber spatula....spread over the baked dough "crust".  Top with fruit and refrigerate until ready to serve.

My crust was a little crispy when I removed it from the oven (I think I spread it out a little thin), but it softened overnight. I know this because I had fruit pizza for breakfast today; oh the decadence! I'd like to think it's healthy.....  I can't wait to make this again, and try a different combination of fruit toppings - yum!

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