Monday, September 10, 2012

Happy Pretend Birthday!

Lately, my daughter has been, well, not exactly obsessed with, but PREOCCUPIED with birthdays. Every get-together or special event is, in her mind, a birthday. She frequently makes birthday invitations or writes letters that start with: "please come to my birthday party".  We usually celebrate her "half birthday" (July 29) with something like a cupcake and a gift, or lunch out, and a gift, but this year it was right around the time a friend had a birthday, and her "half birthday" somehow got lost in all the excitement. Maybe it's something to do with her age. Maybe one of the triggers was yesterday's birthday party for a neighborhood friend who had a cake like this:

What did we ever do before Pinterest?

First thing this morning, she wanted a "stick" and asked me to "put fire on the top" (light a candle), and of course, something to stick the "stick" into! I rummaged through my cabinets and fridge and finally found a tiny raspberry angel food cake in the freezer (score!), I had to sing "Happy Pretend Birthday To You..." and she blew out the candle. Twice. Whatever. I hope she doesn't expect this tomorrow morning!

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